Friday, March 07, 2003

However, my own studies don't depend on these aspects. Like in movie 'The Matrix', the visible (and generally observable) world - including all the scientific evidence, still seems to be just something in a closed box i.e. you can make all the observations and coclusions, but it is still a closed logical system. It is like creating a universe in a computer. Or in a cinema. This is the view I hold.

And the real 'science' seems to be not Physics, but logical systems, especially on lines of what Roger Penrose studies.
Roger explains connections between 'Platonic World', 'real world' and 'Mental World' very nicely. Quantum mechanics create a very difficult kind of world.

My view is that Robert L. Park takes 'classical view' of science. For him, the world should only be seen through the eyes of science. Does he not recognize that science would never present a world view that is absolute? World always presents itself as moving target.

Some of cultures from India - For example Ayurveda, and even Astrology, have basis in Indian philosophy. Indian philosophy is quite a complex system of world view to understand. It is not a belief system. And India has seen scholars such as Shankara who have been extremely Logical in their arguments. In fact, Logic is basis for most of the 'theories' around in India. Unfortunately this level of undestanding remains with comparatively fewer people, and is not part of general public. However, the practices initiated are known to everyone. (They don't know why.)

More later again ...

An interesting article today:
The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science by Robert L. Park, professor of physics at the University of Maryland at College Park and the director of public information for the American Physical Society. He is the author of Voodoo Science: The Road From Foolishness to Fraud (Oxford University Press, 2002).

Actually nothing new. Society is mix of all kinds of people - especially those who want to make lots of money. And science is so much more complicated, it is no more 'common sense' when seen from common person's perspective. Nevethless, everyone tends to get highly influenced by environment around her, and unless a strong scientific attitude is seen all around (as part of culture), it is very easy to mislead a common person. So such articles do help.

But then, is science not limited and "above everything else"? Individually, I seek absolute knowledge. I have been greatly influenced by 'Advaita' knowledge, learnt from many gurus, and have first hand experiences that defy science. And I am not talking about my experiences in the mind, but experiences which involved groups of people. Mainly two of them.

In first one, when a 'spirit' came into a friend in my hostel days - in the nights, when this person would go to sleep. In that 'mode' he would speak like a high-class westerner (with very different accent), and be able to perceive everything around and beyond while physically sleeping on bed. He would, for example tell how would be just coming in at the entrace of hostel (even though he would physically be quite away with multiple walls in between.) Anyway, I am quite scientific, and extremely observant, so can give more information if required.

And second incident happened recently. I happened to visit a place that has 'Agastya Nadi'. These are some very old writings (said to be 2-3000 years old, but not verified), containing all information about people who would be visiting that place. (Yes, my statement is right, and it is indeed so, as per the claim of the people who manage it.)
And these people take inputs as your finger print, and time of your arrival to their place, and first letter of name.
And they bring a bundle of leaves. One of them will be yours. So they do simple match of some 'attributes' such as your name or current occupation, and try to get the right leaf out. Important thing is, they want you to only anser yes/no/don't know. And you need not give any information bits about yourself. And when the match occurs, it is simply amazing. The leaf has complete information about you. For example, it gave count of no. of my brothers and sisters. It gave my name, my wife's name, my mother's name, and the fact that my father is no more (and what was his profession) and so on. And then onto other details such as overall future. This was first of 12 such pages, organized in different sections. (I have complete references.) BTW, everyday at least 10 people visit this place (in my estimation) and they never advertise. It is seen as a very holy thing.

More on this later. ...